ENG 1101- Lindsay Mason

Lindsay Mason Dr. Harris ENGL 1101 April 22, 2020 Making A Child Smart Before It Is Born I have three children - all three of them very smart. That may sound like any mom talking about her kids, but in my case, it’s really true, and I'm not so sure it had that much to do with me. Throughout their development, they have always accomplished their milestones before other children and have excelled in school beyond my expectations. This is honestly not bragging. It's quite the opposite. I believe I had little to do with their intelligence, many times wondering if it didn't actually have something to do with one specific thing I did differently from many moms during my pregnancies: Expose them to music. You've likely heard about music being used as therapy in various aspects of human health. Well, so had I. When I became pregnant for the first time almost 17 years ago, my thoughts quickly focused on becoming the best mother to my unborn child. Thro...