
Showing posts from February, 2020

History of Valentine's Day

To love or not to love? To believe in love or in sin? That last one is the real question when it comes to the history of Valentine's Day. While most think the holiday has Christian origins, others point out some very possible pagan, Roman ones. The truth is both. Valentine's Day is a day originating in some very un-Christian practices that was later claimed and reinvented by the church. Reading about the day of love can be both confusing and depressing. Confusing when it comes to pinning down the true author of such a romantic day because there are at least seven different theories that presume to be the real explanation of its origin. One of the most compelling pieces of history has to do with the legend that Valentine's Day was created to commemorate the death of at least two martyrs in the Catholic Church.  A priest that was killed in 270 CE by the emperor Claudius II Gothicus, who wrote a love note to his jailer's daughter and signed it as "Your Valentine...

Wrestling vs Running

We've all heard debates before about the beginnings of poultry, meaning which came first, the chicken or the egg? Yet, what about wrestling versus running? Which of those came first? Perhaps it isn't possible to know due to their simplistic characteristics. Both sports are very closely related. Neither requires any equipment or special attire and both are a natural form of exercise. By this, I mean if you have feet and arms you are capable of wrestling someone or sprinting a race. To determine which one came first is without a doubt a hard question. Both wrestling and running cave drawings   have been found dating as far back as 3000 BC in the Lascaux Caves of France. In those caves, there are many pictures of humans practicing different sports, and the particular drawings existence prove that both wrestling and running have been around for a very long time. Babies in the Womb About to Wrestle Humans beings have always loved to move physically. We practice movemen...